One of the most important reasons to write up a will is to name your executor. They are the ones in charge of protecting your property until all the debt and taxes have been cleared and then transfer it to the entitled people. Estate executors have a host of duties other than the aforementioned, and they are discussed in detail below. Learn more here.
Notify All Concerned People of The Death
The executor is supposed to inform organizations such as banks, credit card companies, and business partners of the decedent about their death. This is necessary as they can take all the appropriate action required. Learn more about Why Hiring An Estate Planning Attorney Is Critical.

File the Will with The Local Probate Court
The executor is in charge of finding the will as well as reading and understanding it. They should then file it with the local probate court. From there, they can determine who is inheriting the property and contact them. It is worth noting that this step is a must, even when probate isn’t necessary.
Represent the Estate in Court
If there is any pending legal action on the estate, it is the executor’s duty to represent the estate in court and appear in any associated legal meetings.
Executors are very essential, so it is important to name one as you write your will.