Why would you need a probate attorney?
Probate attorneys help you decide whether a will is necessary for assets that are not titled in the name of someone living. If the only asset listed during estate planning was with an account and it falls under bank rules, then there may be no need to go through the probate process. Probates lawyers can also answer any questions about what type of document would best fit your needs if this applies to you.
What does an estate lawyer do after death?
At the end of life, an probate lawyer helps to settle all affairs. They help figure out who is named as heirs or beneficiaries in wills and/or estates; they’ll also work on how much property there was worth before death occurred; take care of any financial responsibilities that may be owed at the time of passing away (i.e., debts); and finally transferring anything left over after paying off these obligations to whom it belongs-the decedent’s children, their spouse if applicable, siblings, etc.).
What is the difference between a probate lawyer and an estate lawyer?
A probate lawyer deals with the process of estate administration following a person’s death. An attorney working as an estate planning attorney is tasked with helping clients prepare trusts, wills, and other relevant documents before or during their lifetime to ensure that their estates are given proper attention after they die.
The main difference between these two types of attorneys can be found in how each one handles different parts of law related to securing property for heirs; while every state has its own set laws on who gets what when someone dies.

Can the executor of the estate take everything?
An executor is a fiduciary to the estate beneficiaries, not necessarily a beneficiary. An executor does not have any more rights under probate law than anyone else when it comes to distributing an estate’s assets; they are only put in charge of managing them until all debts and taxes have been paid off, at which point he or she can distribute these assets as directed by the will if no other arrangements were made for their distribution beforehand.
How much do they charge for a probate lawyer?
When choosing an attorney, one thing people often don’t realize about their bill until after signing on the dotted line is just what form billing might take: flat fee, hourly rate, or contingency-based compensation (wherein only if there’s success does the lawyer receive money). Unlike most professions that charge by time in increments of minutes and hours with a minimum hour requirement for billing purposes – such as lawyers charging $150 per hour to defend you in court – legal fees have no set rules. There are three common ways attorneys can charge based on how they’re paid including “flat fee,” where clients pay upfront before work begins; “hourly” wherein the client pays at the conclusion of each session depending on the number of tasks accomplished during this period.
How does one fire a probate attorney?
If you are the executor of the estate, there is nothing stopping you from firing an attorney. If not, then your best option may be to convince her or him to choose another lawyer. This cannot happen if they refuse and might have more luck petitioning in court for their desired outcome.
Can a probate attorney sell a house without beneficiaries’ approval?
A probate attorney can sell a house without the beneficiary’s approval, but they have to get the probate referee’s permission first. Once an estate has been created and it is up for sale- that process involves getting approvals from all of the heirs who are in charge of making decisions about what happens with their parent’s assets – this person will be contacted by other relatives or friends interested in buying the property before proceeding further. If there is not enough interest after one month then you may proceed as long as you give notice to any unsatisfied party within 10 days following public advertising (per state law).